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Saturday 30 April 2011

Differences of the same kind

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant and judgemental people are. I find myself being judgemental against people who are ignorant and judgemental - if that makes sense??
Each and every person has their own identity, their own opinions and beliefs which are based entirely on our individual experiences in life and they way we were or were not raised.
Whether we follow the direction that we have been pointed in or choose to rebel against it - we are all 'fighting' for what we believe in - or don't believe in.

It is our right as an individual to be entitled to our opinion, and not be ashamed or ridiculed for speaking our own truths - but on that same note isn't there a boundary that should keep us from crossing the line between expressing or debating our opinions - and excluding or insulting people whose opinions or beliefs do not agree with our own? I am sure it is called compassion..or perhaps respect...what about common decency??
Each of us believes in something that is right for us and only us - so what gives one person the right to say that their 'way' is 'more correct' than another's?
When people start critisizing instead of expressing their beliefs people can become excluded and offended by thoughtless comments which can easily be taken out of context.
We all know this, but many of us have been the thoughtless one, as well as the one who has been offended.

But, the real question is - if we are wittness to someone's pig-headedness, if we see that someone else is being offended or excluded by another person's ignorance - should we step in to the 'debate' and defend the beliefs that are being trampled? Is interveining really just another way of being pig-headed?

It is the age old question - do two wrongs make a right? Do the one's who right-fight because they believe they are 'more correct' than someone else deserve a little 'taste of their own medicine'??

In MY opinion the answer is HELL YES!! - but is that just proving my own ignorance and judgements on others??

I believe that we are all much more similar to our 'enemies' than we care to admitt.
We all share differences of the same kind. xxx

Melissa Robinson

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